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  Public Ticket #2553926
Need to change link property so it opens in the same window


  • gene-m started the conversation

    I'm using a Header 3 on a new website and I added the banner and linked it, but the link opens in a new tab.

    It's for another page on the site so I need it to open in the same tab. I basically need to change the target from "_blank" to "_self"

    There is no option for it in customize palette.

    Can you please tell me how I can change the property so it doesn't open a new tab.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You can do that by add more this code:

    <a href="YOUR_URL" target="_self"><img src="YOUR_IMAGE_URL" alt="Banner"></a>

    to Customize > Logo and Header Options > Google adsense/custom HTML code to display in header 3


    - Change "YOUR_URL" on the above code to URL you want to go when users click on the banner image.

    - Change "YOUR_IMAGE_URL" to the banner image URL.

    Best Regards,


  • gene-m replied

    Ahhh. I saw the Google Code text but didn't notice it's for custom HTML, as well. Thank you :)

    It worked perfectly.