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  Public Ticket #2554637
recipe index page


  •  1
    shirleydt started the conversation

    hi there, a few questions regarding recipe index

    • how to create an index page like your soledad demo three columns?
    • how to add sub-menu under recipe "by ingredients, by course, by category, etc."
    • is it possible to create a page like this, allow users to browse recipe?



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ You can check this video tutorial to know how to create a recipe index. Let's watch to the end of video to understand all.

    If you're using Gutenberg editor, you can use "Classic" block - check this image and you can see shortcodes from Classic block like on the video tutorial - check this image

    2 & 3/ Unfortunately, currently this theme doesn't support those features. We will consider to add more those features in the future updates.

    Best Regards,
