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  Public Ticket #2555562
Soledad Instagram Feed is not working


  • 3mv started the conversation

    Hello, I need help because the Soledad Instagram Feed widget is not working.

    Suddenly, appeared the following message: "No any image found. Please check it again or try with another instagram account."

    I did nothing, and it worked until yesterday. My theme and all the plugins are actualized. What can I do?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you for using Soledad.

    Unfortunately, this behavior is caused by an issue that has sprung up on Instagram, and it will be fixed as soon as Instagram fix it on their side.

    We’re very sorry about this service interruption, and we also hope that Instagram will take care of this in the shortest possible time.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding!

    Best Regards,


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I see the token works again, can you please try it again?

    Best Regards,


  • 3mv replied

    Yes! It works!

    Thank you very much for you response and help

  • 3mv replied

    Hello, it happens again: the Soledad Instagram Feed widget is not working.

    Is it an Instagram issue again? Will it be solved soon?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I just checked it and I see it still works from my-end.

    So, can you please try delete old Instagram widget and drag & drop widget "Soledad Instagram Feed" and re-config it again?

    Sometimes, Instagram API go down, and maybe it can cause the issues and we can't do anything in this case because it's an issue from Instagram self..

    Best Regards,


  • 3mv replied

    Ok, now it works! 

    Thank you very much

  • SanayaDigitalMrj replied

    My theme same error. instagram widget not working. Please Solve my Insta id: iamarmustafa

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @SanayaDigitalMrj,

    Please make sure you're using latest version of Soledad first - version 7.6.0

    If not yet, please remove the code at the end of functions.php file like on this image: ( if you don't see it, you can ignore this step ) 

    After that, do following this guide to get auto-updates the theme like other free themes on

    When you done, go to Appearance > Widgets > remove old Instagram widget > drag & drop widget "Soledad Instagram Feed" to your sidebar and re-config it again.

    Best Regards, 


  • darkowskyy replied


    I have the same error. Sunday was OK, monday was not working already.

    My instagram account is, website is

    Thanks in advance

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @darkowskyy,

    Please create a new ticket and our support team will check it to help you.

    If you can't create a new ticket, you can send us an email via our contact form and we will have a look at this to help you.

    Please don't put a reply to the tickets of other people because they will get a notification email from your reply.

    Best Regards,


  • Baron711 replied

    Hello Penci Support, 

    Our Instagram Widget is not working. I tried to update the Token and the Id. 

    If i click "You can get Instagram Access Token via" i can click "Allow" for the account, but the page "" has no content, it's just a blank page.

    What can i do? (I know i have to update the token every 60 days, but i just can't)

    Thanks in advance

    P.S.: (If i try to open up a new ticket, its an endless loop, because i have to veryfiy with envato, but then it sends me back to choosing which product i have a problem with ... its not possible atm) 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @Baron711,

    Please update the theme to the latest version 8.0.4 by doing follow this guide.

    After that, connect to your Instagram via Dashboard > Soledad > Connect Instagram.

    When you have done it, go to Appearance > Widgets > drag & drop widget "Soledad Instagram Feed" to your sidebar and setup it. It should work fine now.

    The next time, if you have questions, please create a new ticket or send us an email via our contact form in case you can't create a new ticket - please don't put a reply to tickets of other people because they will get a notification email about your reply.

    Best Regards,
