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  Public Ticket #2558228
view count shortcode


  • elguja started the conversation

    Hello, I am creating single post with Elementor and I want to insert view counter. I want to know if the theme of the site has some short code for that.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    By default, this theme doesn't support for shortcode like that.

    But, you can add more this code:

    add_shortcode( 'penci_postviews', 'penci_post_views_shortcode' );
    function penci_post_views_shortcode( $atts, $content = "" ) {
        if( is_single() && function_exists( 'penci_get_post_views' ) && function_exists( 'penci_get_setting' ) ){
            echo '<span class="penci-post-views-wrap"><i class="penci-post-countview-number">'. penci_get_post_views( get_the_ID() ) .'</i>'. penci_get_setting( 'penci_trans_text_views' ). '</span>';

    like on this image to create view count shortcode.

    After that, you can use shortcode:  


    to showing the view count of the post. This shortcode just works on single post pages only.

    Best Regards,


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Have you used a post template from Elementor? If right, it can't work because the template from Elementor has been modified by Elementor itself and can't be affected by views counter from the theme...

    Best Regards,


  • elguja replied

    Ok, thanks