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  Public Ticket #2561659


  •  1
    vaninasimon started the conversation


    I just bought the Soledad theme yesterday.

    I want  to translate the theme. In the Soledad documentation there are 2 different ways to translate : 

    - with Appearance > Customize > Quick Text Translation

    - with POEdit

    - and there is also Loco Translate

    Which one is the best way?

    With Quick Text Translation when there will be an update (WP update or theme Soledad update) I won't loose everything I translated?

    And with POEdit when there will be an update (WP update or theme Soledad update) is there a risk of loosing everything I translated?

    And with Loco Translate? 

    And last question : do I need a child theme or a parent theme is enough? 

    Thank you


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ You can do the translation via Customize > Quick Text Translation.

    You don't lose it for all updates from the theme.

    2/ If you don't need to modify any PHP, CSS file inside the theme - use parent theme is enoughsmile.png

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    vaninasimon replied

    Thank you for your answer.

    1) If I use Quick Text Translation I understand I won't loose anything if I update the theme.

    And when I will update wordpress, I am going to loose all the translation or not?

    2) So if I only add plugins to change the apparence of the theme I don't need a child theme? 

    But maybe in the future I will need to change the CSS so it's maybe better to set up the child theme no? 

    Thank you,


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ No - you don't lose anything.

    2/ Yes, added plugins are the same for parent theme or child theme.

    When you use change the CSS, the best solution is use Custom CSS to override the CSS from the theme. So, I think there is no need for use child theme.

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    vaninasimon replied


    thank you for the answers.

    1) If I really want to use the child theme is there a tuto from Soledad or PenciDesign somewhere to explain me how to do?

    2) And I already install the plugins required in the parent theme.

    For the others plugins like Yoast SEO, WP Super Cache... do I have to install them in the parent theme or child theme?

    3) Do I have to install the demo on the parent theme or the child theme? 

    4) Same question for the font, if I want to add new fonts where do I have to install them? Child or parent theme? 

    Thank you

    Best regards 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ If you want to use child theme, please move the customization data from parent theme to child theme by do following steps:

    a) Install & activate plugin Customizer Export/Import

    b) Keep activate parent theme > go to Customize > Export/Import > and export the customization data > you will get a .dat file.

    c) Activate child theme > go to Customize > Export/Import > and import the .dat file you got on step b.

    2/ Install plugins doesn't based on the theme you're using. Example if you install Yoast SEO plugin, when you change to any theme - the plugin still keep installed on your site.

    3/ If you want to use child theme, let's install it as I said on point 1 - after that, import a demo.

    4/ Let's install child theme, after that, add your custom font via Dashboard > Soledad > Custom Fonts > upload your custom fonts here and set a name for that font.

    When you done, go to Customize > General Options > on "Font for Heading Titles" and  "Font for Body Text" > select the font you've uploaded.

    Best Regards,
