Hi, under pages, I have a few there that I've worked on, but I don't have anything named "home" or "main page." How do I create a page to just be the main landing page for my URL?
I am brand new at this - I know it's a very basic question. Most of the support I find for Soledad, even the answers to questions are way over my head. Thank you for any help.
I see your site: https://illuminationlifecoaching.com/ doesn't exists any post now, I think you can go to import a demo and edit itIt will be better for you.
Can you tell me what's demo you want to use? I will help you import it and create a static homepage to help you?
Thank you for your quick reply! I like the Fashion & Lifestyle one but without the sliding image - just my header image there, static. Can that demo do that?
I'd also like to do a block of text underneath the header, then have the blog post pictures underneath the text. Is that doable?
And finally (for now), installing the demo won't lead to my URL showing that exact demo page publicly, right? I don't want anybody who might find their way there seeing some nonexistent fashion and lifestyle page. Can it be installed, but not go live?
Thank you! I appreciate the help - I will need an awful lot of help with this.
Hi, under pages, I have a few there that I've worked on, but I don't have anything named "home" or "main page." How do I create a page to just be the main landing page for my URL?
I am brand new at this - I know it's a very basic question. Most of the support I find for Soledad, even the answers to questions are way over my head. Thank you for any help.
I see your site: https://illuminationlifecoaching.com/ doesn't exists any post now, I think you can go to import a demo and edit it
It will be better for you.
Can you tell me what's demo you want to use? I will help you import it and create a static homepage to help you?
Best Regards,
Thank you for your quick reply! I like the Fashion & Lifestyle one but without the sliding image - just my header image there, static. Can that demo do that?
I'd also like to do a block of text underneath the header, then have the blog post pictures underneath the text. Is that doable?
And finally (for now), installing the demo won't lead to my URL showing that exact demo page publicly, right? I don't want anybody who might find their way there seeing some nonexistent fashion and lifestyle page. Can it be installed, but not go live?
Thank you! I appreciate the help - I will need an awful lot of help with this.
I did it to help you - now you can edit this page by use Elementor to adjust your homepage:
You also can add the text on the homepage by edit your homepage with Elementor
Best Regards,
Thank you! I will take a look at it next Monday. I'm sure I will have more questions then. :)