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  Public Ticket #2564679
Unable to activate WP bakery


  • yaserkazi started the conversation

    I have purchased the Soledad theme and it says it comes with WPbakery and a shop section but I'm unable to customize the shop page and WP bakery is asking to for a license keyt

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    We've said about this issue here - please take it a look.

    Also, we're recommend you use Elementor or Customize to config your homepage - it's better. Because plugin WPBakery makes the website slower..

    Best Regards,


  • yaserkazi replied

    So I have removed the WPbakery plugin but I still cannot see a way to customize my shop page, I don't want to turn my current homepage  into the shop, I just need a different page for the Shop. 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Those shop pages auto created by Woocommerce plugin.

    Please install Woocommerce plugin.

    And you can check documentation for how to config woocommerce here

    For more options for shop, you can check it via Customize > Woocommerce.

    For control sidebars for Woocommerce, please go to Appearance > Widgets > add more widgets to sidebars here:

    Best Regards,
