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  Public Ticket #2569027
Elementor editor not working


  • Unveilsocial started the conversation

    While trying to edit a page with elementor it won't load and there are errors in the console about $('.penci-color-picker').wpColorPicker being undefined.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    It seems you're using old version of Soledad, becasue we've fixed this issue a long time ago.

    So, please go and update the theme to latest version.

    To get auto-updates from the theme:

    Please remove the code at the end of functions.php file like on this image: ( if you don't see it, you can ignore this step ) 

    After that, do following this guide to get auto-updates the theme:

    When you done, check it again.

    Best Regards, 
