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  Public Ticket #2580805
remove the slider


  •  1
    vaninasimon started the conversation

    Hi, I just started to work on the Soledad theme and I have some questions.

    I uploaded the demo soledad-photography-blog

    - How can I remove the slider from the homepage? I don't want the slider, I just want one image (the first image of the slider, not more)

    - I would like to add the 3 boxes under the slider like on the demo (the 3 boxes "memories", "adventures", "my journal". How can I do that? 

    - I would like to enable the burger menu on the mobile device but I want to disable it for the desktop. How can I do that? 

    Thank you


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ You can go to Customize > Featured Slider Options > on "Amount of Slides" > fill   "1" to make it display only first image.

    2/ It's homepage featured boxes, you can enable it via Customize > Homepage Options  > "Homepage Featured Box 1st Image", "Homepage Featured Box 1st Text", "Homepage Featured Box 1st URL" ... etc

    3/ The mobile menu still there but because you've changed it to white color, so you can't see it.

    Please go to Customize > Colors for Header > on "Main Bar Search Icon & Mobile Icon Color" > change it to a black color and you will see it appears.

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    vaninasimon replied

    all good, thanks :)

    Other questions :

    1/ for the homepage featured boxes : is it possible to disable the button and the text on the image? I just want the images like in "popular articles" or "latest articles" with nothing inside. 

    And same question for the slider but I think I have the answer : in "Featured slider options " et I have to tick "Hide Center Box on featured slider" right? 

    2/ I would like to display the social media icons on the left side of every page and articles like in these websites : 

    Can I do that with Soledad theme or is it a plugin? 

    3/ for the favicon : which size and weight is required? 512x512 or less?

    Same for the logo, which size and weight?


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ You can leave the text is blank to hide the text on featured boxes.

    For slider, yeah, let's give it a try on "Hide Center Box on featured slider"

    2/ You can use this plugin to do that:

    3/ For favicon, I recommend you use with size 128x128px or 256x256px - It's better than other sizes.

    For logo, it's not required the size for it. If you want to change the size for your logo, you just need change the size for your logo image.

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    vaninasimon replied


    thank you for the answers 2 and 3. For my first question ok for the homepage featured boxes, thanks.

    But for the slider I don't have the answer. I try to disable the title of the posts but I don't find. I have the slider 6, I can disable the category, the date, the author... but I can't hide the title.

    I want something like in this blog https://amoureux-du-monde. com : I just want the image because I want to write my title in the image wherever I want and with a special font. 

    How can I do that?

    And I have a problem with the quality of the images, especially on the slider. The photos are blurred on the slider even if the quality is good on my computer. The original photo is 1,8 Mo and 3963 × 2972 and when I dowload it on wordpress it becomes 135 Ko  and 1170 × 877 so it appears all pixelated on my homepage. How can I do? 


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Ok. If you want to do that, you can add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:

    .penci-slide-overlay .penci-mag-featured-content{ display: none; }

    2/ For the quality of the images. As I checked, your images are quite blurry from itself.

    Check an origin image from you here - It's quite blurry with detail on the images. Please make sure your images is not blurry from itself first.

    Also, an important note: We can't be display your origin images because it has the big size: 1.8M

    If we display your origin images on the size, your site will load very slow. So, we need to crop it to a small size and display it for places on the site.

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    vaninasimon replied


    1/ it works great ! Thanks. For the next update of Soledad Theme the custom CSS will be delete? Do I have to copy-paste the shortcode somewhere and paste it again after an update of the theme? 

    2/ I still have the problem with the first image of the slider 6 which is always blurred. 

    I resized and compressed my original photo (the one on the first image of the slider 6) before uploading it : so the image is 1170px-716px - 72dpi - 377 ko

    I uploaded the photo : it becomes blurred, bad quality and ugly on the slider BUT when I open the post the same image is ok, not blurred. Look at the file attached : on the left side it is the image on the post and on the right side it is the image on the slider 6. 

    I don't know what to do because obviously the problem is not my photo because the quality is ok in the post.

    Is there something wrong in the code with the first image of the slider 6, maybe it is too compressed in the theme ? 

    Thanks for your help 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ No - The updates doesn't affect anything to your Custom CSS on Customize.

    2/ Please try do follow steps below to increase the quality of that image:

    a) Go to Customize > General Options > and check to "Disable Image Size - 780 x 516px"

    b) Go to edit your first post on the slider > click on featured image area > remove the featured image from Media Library > and re-upload the featured image for that post and select it again.

    And check it again.

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    vaninasimon replied

    yeeesssss! The first image of my slider is now perfect! It's not blurred anymore. Thank you so much :) 

    And for the 2 other images of my slider, the smaller ones (which are also blurred on the slider but not in the article), which size do I have to disable in General Options?

    Thank you 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    On 2 smaller images, it displayed images with size 585px width - It's not a small size. So, the size of those images is fine. I see it's fine. I think you should keep it because that image size uses in multiple places.

    Best Regards,