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  Public Ticket #2583555
featured image


  • myhiyori started the conversation

    Hello, I am using the "elegant blog" theme, and I have few questions about featured images.

    1. How can I adjust the size of featured image on the homepage? I found it's too big now and I am afraid of slowing down my website.

    2. How can have the featured image appears on the single post page? Same as above, is it possible to adjust the size of the featured image in this page?

    3. As the featured image is the first picture of my post, is it possible to add caption under the picture as what I can do to my other pictures in the blog?

    Look forward to hearing from you.



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ No - it won't affect much to your site speed.

    But, if you want to adjust the size for featured image on the first posts on the homepage, you can copy this code add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:

    .standard-post-image{ max-width: 600px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; }

    Change value 600 to value as you want.

    2/ It seems you've disable the featured image auto appears on single post pages.

    Please go to Customize > Single Post OPtions > and un-check on "Hide Featured Image on Top"

    And to adjust the size for featured image on the single post pages on the homepage, you can copy this code add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:

    .post-image{ max-width: 600px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; }

    Change value 600 to value as you want.

    3/ Yeah, you can allow caption for featured image via Customize > Single Post Options > Enable Caption on Featured Image for Single Posts style 1 & 2

    Best Regards,


  • myhiyori replied

    Thanks for your reply, all the code does fix my problem, thank you so much.

    I am now have two more questions would like to have your suggestion.

    1.Since my width of the featured image is 600px in the single post, I would like to align all other pictures in the same post with the 600px width. Is it possible?

    2. I would like to write a short brief and display it on the homepage, above "Read More", pls find attached. Is it possible to do it in the ADD NEW ARTICLE page?

    Look forward to hearing from you.



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ If so, please try add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    .post-entry .wp-block-image img{ max-width: 600px; }

    2/ You can enable excerpt on those posts via Customize > Other Layouts Options > and un-check on "Remove Post Excerpt" to make the excerpt auto display.

    And by default, the excerpt will be render automaticly based on your post content - but if you want to custom the excerpt of a post, you can write the excerpt text here

    Best Regards,


  • myhiyori replied


    Thanks for your help! Every things look perfect now.

    Many Thanks!
