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  Public Ticket #2585670
Archive products on elementor not working !


  • Mohammed858 started the conversation


    i want to make my own template on elementor for the shop page but the column *Archive products is not working. Also i cant edit any thing 
    and i get this notifications :

    *To change the Products Archive’s layout, go to Appearance > Customize.

    *The editor preview might look different from the live site. Please make sure to check the frontend.

    *Ordering is not available if this widget is placed in your front page. Visible on frontend only.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    As I see it's not elements from Elementor by default. Do you use a plugin to have this element?
    If so, please check the documentation of that plugin to know how it works. Because this element doesn't develop by us..

    Best Regards,
