I purchased your theme and downloaded the Demo Style because my blog is not new. It uploaded fine, however; all my old themes settings are still dominating (fonts, font size, colors, widgets). I even uninstalled and installed again, same thing. I love the look of your theme and therefore wanted to change. I'm now having to go in manually and add every single thing, I haven't even gotten to the menus yet. Is this normal to have to do all this and your theme not dominate?
Thank you, the was most helpful! The last thing I'm having trouble with is the main recipe index. Is there a way to have a drop down menu of all the different recipe categories and no pictures?
I purchased your theme and downloaded the Demo Style because my blog is not new. It uploaded fine, however; all my old themes settings are still dominating (fonts, font size, colors, widgets). I even uninstalled and installed again, same thing. I love the look of your theme and therefore wanted to change. I'm now having to go in manually and add every single thing, I haven't even gotten to the menus yet. Is this normal to have to do all this and your theme not dominate?
No - It can't be affect anything by your old theme.
Have you deactivate all plugins come with your old theme? If not, let's deactivate it.
Best Regards,
How do I get the list of categories to the left of the pictures for the Recipes menu? I can just get the pictures only.
Please check this video tutorial to know how to do that - please watch to the end of video to understand all.
Best Regards,
Thank you, the was most helpful! The last thing I'm having trouble with is the main recipe index. Is there a way to have a drop down menu of all the different recipe categories and no pictures?
You can use normal sub-menu to do that.
A general video tutorial for create a sub-menu in WordPress here - you can check it.
Best Regards,