I'm getting new AMP errors in my Google Search Console - it started a couple of days ago and the number of posts in the error log is increasing daily. - it looks to be the same line of code on every post
Disallowed attribute or attribute value present in HTML tag. <meta name="twitter:label1" value="Written by">
I'm getting new AMP errors in my Google Search Console
- it started a couple of days ago and the number of posts in the error log is increasing daily.
- it looks to be the same line of code on every post
Disallowed attribute or attribute value present in HTML tag.
<meta name="twitter:label1" value="Written by">
Strange, my Yoast SEO doesn't renders the attr tag like that.
Have you did any config to appears this meta tag?
Here is your meta tag caused this isue:
Best Regards,
Here is a link to a video of my screen to see the google search errors.
I'm asking about your configs because I know it's errors inside your google search console.
My Yoast SEO doesn't renders this code, I don't know what you did to render this code.. This is strange.
Best Regards,