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  Public Ticket #2593025
twitter widget api key


  • mormedusa started the conversation

    hello again team,

    I just can't get it how to find or request api key, consumer key etc. from twitter. if you can help more, I'd appreciate.

    thank you, best regards

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    It's data from a twitter app.

    So, if you want to get those data, you need to create a twitter app first here by use the Twitter account you will use to display tweets on your website:

    Best Regards,


  • mormedusa replied

    I made it and now my application pending under review. I chose explore API key option. I hope it's correct. then I'll fill in the boxes for tweet sliders. I'm just a beginner in this field of study and got some hard way I think. I wish to manage all the difficulties on the way and your helps are very appreciated.

    thank you again dear team.

    best regards