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  Public Ticket #2594574
"vafpress-post-formats-ui-develop" Plugin - Which Version is Current?


  • FWD2016 started the conversation

    The most recent SoleDad theme update (v.7.4.1) has the plugin "vafpress-post-formats-ui-develop" > version is 1.6.

    The last SoleDad theme update (v7.4.0) had the plugin "vafpress-post-formats-ui-develop" > version 1.7.

    Which is the newest "vafpress-post-formats-ui-develop" plugin version, the 1.6 or 1.7?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    The latest version of that plugin is 1.7 - you can update it via Appearance > Install Plugins.

    Best Regards,
