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  Public Ticket #2595309
fonts configuration


  •  1
    shirleydt started the conversation

    hi there, 

    Can you help explain where to configure and set up the font customization?  

    the header, the sidebar, etc. 

    I think i have checked the box to use them embedded, does this mean the elementor typography won't impact the fonts on my site? 

    Many thanks for help!


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    The custom fonts from Elementor will be use for fonts option from Elementor only. 

    If you want to use custom fonts for the theme, please do following steps:

    1/ Go to Dashboard > Soledad > Custom Fonts > add your custom fonts there > and set for each font a name.

    2/ Go to Customize > General Options > on "Font for Heading Titles" and "Font for Body Text" > select the custom font name you want to use there.

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    shirleydt replied

    Hi there, thanks for the reply.  Understood that.  My question is is there a further way to configure more?  For instance, i chose to use theme fonts and have uploaded fonts.  But i only see i can only configure two things - heading titles and body text.  what happens when i use H2, H3, H4 in the post?

    Many thanks!


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    The h2, h3, and h4 inside posts will be inherit the font for heading titles you've selected via Customize > General Options > "Font for Heading Titles"

    Currently, there is no option for select the font for each heading titles inside single post pages.

    Best Regards,
