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  Public Ticket #2595418
Multiple questions regarding the setup


  • gluecksgefuehl started the conversation

    Hey there I got some more questions:

    1. How can I set up the little red "NEW" text on a menu icon? Like on your preview theme with "SLIDERS"

    2. How can I make the menu bar stick on top of the content and stay on top while scrolling down like in this example?:

    3. How can I move the social media icons from the primary to the top bar menu? I didn't set them up in appearance > menu > primary menu

    4. How can I place the "ABOUT ME" box next to the last posts panel and not underneath it?

    5. In general, which template / basic settings should I use to achieve a result like this?:

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ To do that, please do follow steps below:

    a) Go to Appearance > Menus > add "CSS Classes" below for menu item you want to add "new" lable - check this image:


    b) Add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:

    #navigation li.featured-new>a:after {
        content: "NEW" !important;
        font-family: 'Lato',sans-serif !important;
        color: #FF2E2E !important;
        font-size: 8px !important;
        right: 3px;
        top: 3px;
        line-height: 5 !important;
        vertical-align: top !important;
        font-weight: bold !important;
        margin-left: 2px !important;

    2/ By default the theme already supports sticky for menu. Please make sure you don't disable it via Customize > Logo and Header Options > Disable Sticky Header

    3/ You can disable social display on the main navigation via Customize > Logo and Header Options > un-check on "Enable Social Icons on Main Navigation"

    After that, enable the topbar via Customize > Topbar Options > and social media icon will be display on the topbar by default.

    4/ Can you tell me more about this question? I'm not clear about this.

    5/ Can you show me your site URL to I can take it a look on this to show you how to go?

    Best Regards,


  • gluecksgefuehl replied

    Hey Penci, thank you for your reply to my questions!

    Answers to your latest post:

    1) - great thanks!

    I got a staging website, so unfortunately I can not show you the page yet.

    3) / 2) As the menu is always on the very top, the top-menu is not showing / can't be seen. The social media icons worked!

    4) Got that working!

    I got some more questions, is it okay if I ask them in this ticket?:

    1. Local Avatar / Gravatar is not working. None of them show my profile picture. Is there any other options? It's been a week after I changed it now.
    2. How to change size of font used in the menu?
    3. How to change general font size of theme / post content text?
    4. How to change the background box of the title of featured posts? Now there are two overlaying boxes, can I make it just one box with the little arrow the same color as the background of the inner box?
    5. Is it possible to use [penci_recipe] with some kind of ID, so that I can put multiple recipes in one Wordpress post?
    6. How can I set the visit count for a Wordpress post?
    7. How can I create a "scroll to recipe" button that scrolls the user directly to the recipe?
    8. Just to be sure: Will any of these plugins be needed to run Soledad properly?:
    • Advanced Custom Fields PRO
    • bbPress
    • Contact Form 7
    • Osetin Helper
    • Top 10
    • UserPro

    Thanks for your help! I already love your theme, it can do everything I'd ever need :)

    Cheers Leon

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    2/ Do you mean TopBar? If right, unfortunately the Topbar doesn't support to sticky when you scroll down. Only the main bar ( with "Primary Menu" ) supports sticky when scroll down.

    For get topbar menu display, please do follow steps:

    a) Go to Appearance > Menus > create a new menu for Topbar > add menu items to this menu > scroll down and check to "Topbar Menu" 

    b) Go to Appearance > Customize > Topbar Options > and check to "Enable Topbar Menu"

    For new questions:

    1/  When your site live, please send me your WordPress site admin URL and admin account ( username and password  ). I will take it a look at this to help you.  

    2/ Please change it via Customize > Logo and Header Options > Font for Menu Items.

    3/ Please check option for it via Customize > General Options > Custom General Font Size for Text on Site

    4/ You can change the style for this via Customize > Colors for Homepage & Home Title Box Options > Homepage Title Box Style

    5/ One post should has one recipe only. But, you can use [penci_recipe id="123"]  to show recipe from another posts. With 123 is ID of post you want to get recipe. Check this guide to know how to find ID of a post.

    6/ Unfortunately, there is no way to set a visit count for specifict posts at this moment.

    7/ We've added this feature in the latest update version of the theme & Penci Recipe plugin.

    Please do following this guide to update the theme to latest version 7.4.2 and Penci Recipe plugin to latest version. After that, check option for it via Customize > Recipe Options.

    8/ Soledad doesn't required any plugin - all other plugins is add-on features for your site. So, you can disable all plugins you don't need for use.

    Best Regards,


  •   gluecksgefuehl replied privately
  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  • gluecksgefuehl replied

    Hey penci,

    thank you - amazing support!! Do you need a review anywhere? Will happily write something :)

    I have 2 more questions atm:

    1. Where can I change the widgets, that are always displayed by standard in the sidebar? All the posts have the same sidebar, I want to change the widgets.
    2.  Please check home -> sidebar -> "Newsletter": When I use penci text box, the font/style is not the same as the other theme font / style for text. Can you tell me how to apply same style in penci text box?

    Kind regards


  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •   gluecksgefuehl replied privately
  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    This issue caused by you've fill wrong the data.

    You can find your Pinterest username or    username/board_name    NOT   feedme_daily/_created/  -  it has redundant character    /   after the board name, if you want to display images from a board name, you need to fill:   feedme_daily/_created

    Best Regards,


  • gluecksgefuehl replied

    Hey there, I ran into a new problem.

    Every time I want to create a new post, I cant save it. It says:

    "Veröffentlichung fehlgeschlagen. Der Beitrag konnte in der Datenbank nicht aktualisiert werden."

    eng: "Publishing error. the post could not be updated in the database"

    I dont know how I caused this, but I cant save a post - can you help me here?

    Kind regards


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Have you tried deactivate the plugins first?

    Please try to deactivate all plugins ( except plugins come from the theme ) and try it again. If it works, let's enable each plugin to check what's plugin caused this issue. 

    Best Regards,


  • gluecksgefuehl replied


    thanks, I will try that now!