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  Public Ticket #2601760
WP Bakery visual composer plugin


  • Lemaure80 started the conversation


    I purchased a pennews theme, installed and activated it but WPBakery visual plugin wasn't installed.

    So, when i tried to customize pages i couldn't find the path indicated in the help documents.

    How can i force installation ?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    As I see on the error message, you can't be install WPBakery Page Builder plugin because the WPBakery Page Builder folder ( folder has name "js_composer" ) already exists inside "plugins" folder.

    Please login to your hosting > go to File Manager > publish_html > wp-content > plugins > and select to delete folder "js_composer"

    After that, go back to your admin Dashboard > Appearance > Install Plugins > and re-install & activate the plugin.

    Best Regards,
