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  Public Ticket #2607253
Font size, turn off uppercase


  • happynamaste started the conversation


    how I could change the font size of the titles from Blog post displays on Homepage (grid style) 

    And I can't find anymore to turn on the uppercase of the sidebar widget for Popular post.

    Is it possible to change the fontsize of related post title carousel Adove single post?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    In the latest version of Soledad theme, you can do all of that.

    Please do following this guide to update the theme to latest version 7.5.0

    After that, check options for it via:

    Customize > Layouts > Font Size

    Customize > Sidebar > General

    Customize > Single Posts > Font Size

    Best Regards,


  • happynamaste replied

    Good Mobbing,

    thank you so much for quick Response!

    With best regards.

    Miriam Lütt

  • happynamaste replied


    Sorry, it was my autocorrection from mobile tastature.