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  Public Ticket #2607456
Mailchimp footer signup form


  • lcantone started the conversation


    i'm trying to use mailchimp signup form into footer signup form widget area.

    I have two questions:

    1) why i can't see all my form fields here, but i see only mail field?

    This is my form code:

    <p class="mdes"></p>
    <p class="mname"><input type="text" name="NAME" placeholder="Nome..." required /></p>
    <p class="memail"><input type="email" id="mc4wp_email" name="EMAIL" placeholder="Email..." required /></p>
    <p class="msubmit"><input type="submit" value="Iscrivimi" /></p>

    (you can see the result in the attchment)

    2) How can i add some text under the title?

    Thank you so much,


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ You can go to Customize > Footer > Footer SignUp Form > and check to "Display Name Field on Footer SignUp Form"

    2/ You can put your text inside your Mailchimp form, inside this code:

    <p class="mdes"></p>

    like this:

    <p class="mdes">Your text put here</p>

    Best Regards,


  •   lcantone replied privately