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  Public Ticket #2607789
import demo data problem


  • ericdwhite2020 started the conversation

    I have imported the "Dark Version" of soledad into my site. I have old content on my site so I selected only "Import demo style" and NOT "import demo content". Once the download completes however and I visit my site, the Dark theme is not being used. Currently, it is still only the original soledad theme.

    How do I apply the demo data so that the Dark theme is the version my site is using?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Have you changed the theme name folder from "soledad" to something else?

    The theme name folder should look like:   wp-content/themes/soledad

    Because if you changed it, you can't import the customization data for that demo.

    Best Regards,


  • ericdwhite2020 replied

    That worked! Thank you