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  Public Ticket #2608007
Top Menu error


  • slavkozivkovic started the conversation

    My top menu after the update to 7.5.1 is messed up. My logo is not displayed properly and my social icons do not appear anywhere on the page.  Attachment 1 is when i am top of the page and the logo is really small. Attachment 2 is when i scroll down how to logo is displayed (this is how it should be regularly). 

    Also, on the top right side of the menu the social icons are not displayed, i had for facebook, instagram, youtube and contact. 

    Attachment Share is how the icons are displayed for the sharing option.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please send me your WordPress site admin URL and admin account ( username and password  ) - in a PRIVATE REPLY. I will take it a look at this to help you.  

    Best Regards,


  •   slavkozivkovic replied privately
  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ For menu issues - in Soledad version 7.5.1 - we've fixed the conflict when you change the main navigation height from the theme & Elementor Pro - And you see your menu narrowed because you've changed the Main Bar Height is 36px via Customize > Logo and Header > Main Bar & Primary Menu - check this image

    I just reset that option to empty to help you and it's normal now. Of course, you can change it to another height as you want latersmile.png

    2/ With icons issue - in the latest version of Soledad, we've added preload for icons & google fonts to optimize your site speed by default. But, it seems your site has something makes preload icons from the theme stopped to works. So, I've disabled the preload for icons & google fonts for you on Customize > General > Extra Options > "Disable Preload for Icons & Google Fonts from the theme" to make it works for you now.

    You can check update changelog for each update here

    Best Regards,


  • slavkozivkovic replied

    Thank you so much for the update, you are the best!