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  Public Ticket #2613401
About google adsense


  • jeffynallie0623 started the conversation


    I've inserted the code for Google adsense in the Appearance->singlepost->general->Add Ads/Custom HTML Code Inside Posts Content

    However, the ads only show on some of the posts instead of all of my post.

    Could you help with this?

    Thank you,


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    It seems your site has a limited number of ads to display on a page. If you see 2 ads appears on the sidebar, the ads inside content won't display anymore.

    Also, are you using Google Adsense auto ads? Because if you use Google Adsense auto ads, the ads will random displays on the random places on your site.

    If it's a bug from our theme, it won't be display on all posts, not for some postssmile.png

    So, let's contact with Google Adsense support and ask them about this. It's not issue related with our theme itself.

    Best Regards,


  • jeffynallie0623 replied

    I see, 

    So do you suggest to turn the auto ads off if I want to insert the ads myself?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Yes, you should do thatsmile.png

    Best Regards,
