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  Public Ticket #2615884
Moving menu from verical to horizontal


  • rlix started the conversation

    Hi, I downloaded the handmande demo which has a vertical navigation menu on the left hand side.  I'm trying to create a menu that goes across the top of the home page.  I was able to create a new menu and tried the top menu check boxes, but can't seem to move the menu location.  Is there a page setting somewhere I should change?  Attached is also a screenshot of what I'd like to change.  

    Reference to the demo I'm referring to:

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You can do that by go to Customize > Vertical Navigation & Menu Hamburger > General > un-check on "Enable Vertical Navigation" and un-check on "Completely Delete The Header When Enable Vertical Navigation"

    After that, go to Customize > Logo & Header > General > on "Header Layout" > select "Header 2" or "Header 5"

    Best Regards,


  • rlix replied
