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  Public Ticket #2617553
Remove and replace sidebar


  • zbv2net started the conversation

    Hi i am using the two sidebars on my webpage and on mobile i whant to unregister sidebar-left and sidebar-right

    and than replace sidebar-left with sidebar-mobile

    so on mobile only one costum sidebar will show but on desktop to show as usual,

    on the hompage i am using the elementor to configure the sidebars and on posts,categories the options on the costumization > general

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    If you want to do that - You should create a new section and hide it for desktop & show it for mobile to make it's sidebar on mobile for you.

    For hide/show elements on mobile - you can check this video tutorial.

    Best Regards,


  • zbv2net replied

    Hi that is possible maybe only for elementor but what about in the category and in the single post

    I am using them from the costumizer ?  see image

    how can i disable Main sidebar and Main sidebar Left

    and show only Costum sidebar1 example on mobile

    Thank you

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Unfortunately, there is no way to do that with other pages without use Elementor..

    Best Regards,
