I´ve some posts marked as featured to hold them in header area... there are many ways to display posts ...but I can´t find the config for these "featured posts"
is there a way – without editing manual in elementor?
As I see you're using Elementor to config your homepage, so you can do follow steps below:
1/ Go to Dashboard > Posts > Tags > create a new tag - example: "featured"
2/ Add more this tag to all the posts you want to show on the slider
3/ Go to edit your homepage by use Elementor > right click on the slider you want to filter by the tag "featured" and select edit this slider > on "Query" section on the "Tags" select "featured" tag you've created before - check this image: http://prntscr.com/vvft19
I´ve some posts marked as featured to hold them in header area... there are many ways to display posts ...but I can´t find the config for these "featured posts"
is there a way – without editing manual in elementor?
You can filter your slider by use a "Tag".
As I see you're using Elementor to config your homepage, so you can do follow steps below:
1/ Go to Dashboard > Posts > Tags > create a new tag - example: "featured"
2/ Add more this tag to all the posts you want to show on the slider
3/ Go to edit your homepage by use Elementor > right click on the slider you want to filter by the tag "featured" and select edit this slider > on "Query" section on the "Tags" select "featured" tag you've created before - check this image: http://prntscr.com/vvft19
Best Regards,