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  Public Ticket #2625959
error after updating WP and Soledad to newest versions


  • christinahoyer started the conversation


    I have just updated word press and Soledad to the newest versions, and now I cannot write new post. Every time I click at "add new post", I get this message:

    ng: array_intersect_key() [function.array-intersect-key]: Expected parameter 1 to be an array, string given in /var/www/ on line 1402

    Warning: array_intersect_key() [function.array-intersect-key]: Expected parameter 1 to be an array, string given in /var/www/ on line 1402

    Warning: array_intersect_key() [function.array-intersect-key]: Expected parameter 1 to be an array, string given in /var/www/ on line 1402

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/ in /var/www/ on line 9

    In the same way it is not possible for me to enter my old post to edit. Then I get the same message. Hope you can help me.

    Best regards


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I didn't got any issue like that from my-end.

    So, Please try to deactivate all plugins ( except plugins come from the theme ) and try it again. If it works, let's enable each plugin to check what's plugin caused this issue. 

    Best Regards,


  • christinahoyer replied


    Thank you for you answer. I did, what you suggested - deactivated all plugins, and activated them again one by one. It sees like that it is the plugin "Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights" that causes the problem. When this only this plugin is deactivated, everything works fine - however when I activate it, the problems starts again. Do you have any suggestion on what to do - it is important to me to be able to track my trafic in google analytics. 

    Thank you in advance.

    Best regards


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    It's not plugin developed by us, so we don't know how to fixsmile.pngYou should ask author of this plugin about this.

    Best Regards,
