we are using Soledad Food, great theme, thanks a lot for your job.
We have a doubt about the newsletter : we see that Mailchimp plugin is suggested as main newsletter plugin but we have been using Active Campaign for a while and we are wondering if it's possible to use this instead and if it's compatible with the theme.
You can still use another newsletter inside the theme as normalIt still works fine, just one thing: maybe it doesn't support nice styles as we did for Mailchimp.
I purchased and installed "PenNews - Multi-Purpose AMP WordPress Theme" step by step as given documentation. After that, I tried to import demo data of "Food multi-purpose" . But unfortunately, it's showing "Failed" result to import posts and the website is not looking as same as "Food multi-purpose" theme. how can I fix this problem? please help. thank you
I don't know why somebody else used this space to ask support. Shouldn't it be individual?
So sorry, I have another doubt: I set up a main sidebar for my homepage and a second sidebar where I put Cart. I would like to use this one with CART for my shop page. In the customization area, in woocommerce, I checked the option "enable sidebar for shop page" then I edit my shop page, enabling the right sidebar and I selected in the setting below the editor, which sidebar I want to show in the shop page but it shows automatically the main sidebar and what I want is the sidebar with the Cart. Am I missing some steps?
Hello there,
we are using Soledad Food, great theme, thanks a lot for your job.
We have a doubt about the newsletter : we see that Mailchimp plugin is suggested as main newsletter plugin but we have been using Active Campaign for a while and we are wondering if it's possible to use this instead and if it's compatible with the theme.
You can still use another newsletter inside the theme as normal
It still works fine, just one thing: maybe it doesn't support nice styles as we did for Mailchimp.
Best Regards,
great! thank you very much.
I purchased and installed "PenNews - Multi-Purpose AMP WordPress Theme" step by step as given documentation. After that, I tried to import demo data of "Food multi-purpose" . But unfortunately, it's showing "Failed" result to import posts and the website is not looking as same as "Food multi-purpose" theme. how can I fix this problem? please help. thank you
Hi @atd94,
Here is a ticket for Soledad theme - not PenNews.
Please create a new ticket for PenNews theme and our support team will take it a look on this to help you.
Best Regards,
I don't know why somebody else used this space to ask support. Shouldn't it be individual?
So sorry, I have another doubt: I set up a main sidebar for my homepage and a second sidebar where I put Cart. I would like to use this one with CART for my shop page. In the customization area, in woocommerce, I checked the option "enable sidebar for shop page" then I edit my shop page, enabling the right sidebar and I selected in the setting below the editor, which sidebar I want to show in the shop page but it shows automatically the main sidebar and what I want is the sidebar with the Cart. Am I missing some steps?
We have sidebars for "Shop Page & Shop Archive" & "Sidebar for Single Product" there - let's use it.
Check this image: http://prntscr.com/vzvlh4
Put your widgets to those sidebar to make it display on the "Shop Page & Shop Archive Pages" & "Single Product Pages"
Best Regards,
great! thank you very much for your help.