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  Public Ticket #2626962
Active Campaign + translations


  • maxacquati started the conversation

    Hello there, 

    we are using Soledad Food, great theme, thanks a lot for your job.

    We have a doubt about the newsletter : we see that Mailchimp plugin is suggested as main newsletter plugin but we have been using Active Campaign for a while and we are wondering if it's possible to use this instead and if it's compatible with the theme.


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You can still use another newsletter inside the theme as normalsmile.pngIt still works fine, just one thing: maybe it doesn't support nice styles as we did for Mailchimp.

    Best Regards,


  • maxacquati replied

    great! thank you very much. 


  • atd94 replied

    I purchased and installed "PenNews - Multi-Purpose AMP WordPress Theme" step by step as given documentation. After that, I tried to import demo data of "Food multi-purpose"  . But unfortunately, it's showing "Failed" result to import posts and the website is not looking as same as "Food multi-purpose" theme. how can I fix this problem? please help. thank you

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @atd94,

    Here is a ticket for Soledad theme - not PenNews.

    Please create a new ticket for PenNews theme and our support team will take it a look on this to help you.

    Best Regards,


  • maxacquati replied

    I don't know why somebody else used this space to ask support. Shouldn't it be individual?

    So sorry, I have another doubt: I set up a main sidebar for my homepage and a second sidebar where I put Cart. I would like to use this one with CART for my shop page. In the customization area, in woocommerce, I checked the option "enable sidebar for shop page" then I edit my shop page, enabling the right sidebar and I selected in the setting below the editor, which sidebar I want to show in the shop page but it shows automatically the main sidebar and what I want is the sidebar with the Cart. Am I missing some steps?


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    We have sidebars for "Shop Page & Shop Archive" & "Sidebar for Single Product"  there - let's use it.

    Check this image:

    Put your widgets to those sidebar to make it display on the "Shop Page & Shop Archive Pages" & "Single Product Pages" 

    Best Regards,


  • maxacquati replied

    great! thank you very much for your help. 
