So it is the url of one of my images in wp-content named "newsletter" (screenshot "mage-newsletter-in-wp-content").
Is it normal to be sent to this kind of url with wp-content/ and the date ?
It is a problem because I named one image "destinations" and another one "newsletter", but I want to create a page with the slug "newsletter" and I want another one with the slug "destinations" and I can't.
I don't have this problem with all of my images I uploaded in wp, just some of the images like these ones :
I created a page and in my mailchimp account I found a code in "embedded form" section (screenshot "mailchimps-embedded-form"). Where / how do I have to paste this code in my WP page? I don't manage.
1/ Have you tried deactivate plugins to check it first? If not yet, Please try to deactivate all plugins ( except plugins come from the theme ) and try it again. If it works, let's enable each plugin to check what's plugin caused this issue.
- I desactivated all the plugins and when I desactivated Yoast, something changed : when I searched I arrived on a page with the photo named "newsletter" (screenshot "url-newsletter" ) . It was the photo I uploaded in the Homepage Featured Boxes.
So without Yoast I was not redirected to the strange url with the date BUT there is still a problem because a page with the slug "newsletter" was created but I didn't created it, and the image was on this page and I didn't do that.
- I noticed that I have this problem ONLY with the images I use for the Homepage Featured Boxes. I did a last test : I uploaded a random image in the 3rd image of the Homepage Featured Boxes. The name of this image was "test-photo" (screenshot "test-photo-1"). Then I searched in my browser and I arrived on a page with my photo named "test-photo" (screenshot "test-photo-2"). I tried to upload a photo in a post and I didn't have the problem.
So I think there is a problem with the images of the Homepage Featured Boxes. What do you think?
Yoast is still desactivated in WP, tell me if you want me to activate it again.
2/ Ok it works great, thanks. For the footer sign-up form where can I change the italic text in regular text ? Thanks
3/ Mega Menu Columns : I would like to add 5 categories in the mega menu columns with the 5 continents. I don't want the 5 continents (so the 5 categories) to be clickable, I just want the countries under the continents to be clickable. So the continents would be like a title. Here are some examples (details in the screenshot "mega-menu-columns" ) : - - -
When you enable the option on SEO → Search Appearance → Media (tab) → Redirect attachment URLs to the attachment itself?
Yoast SEO will auto redirect like that by added redirect rules to htaccess. Let's activate Yoast SEO and make sure you don't check to that option - and check it again.
2/ Please try add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:
In Yoast > Search Appearance > Media (tab) > Redirect attachment URLs to the attachment itself :
- when I choose YES (and I read it is the best choice for the SEO) and then I search I have the redirection to the strange url : wp-content/uploads/2020/12/newsletter.jpg (screenshot "yes-redirect-url-yoast")
- when I choose NO and then I search there is no strange redirection but there is this url created with the slug "newsletter".
So with the YES or with the No in Yoast I still have a problem. And I don't know if there's a link but it's strange I only have the problem with the images of the Homepage Featured Boxes.
Because WordPress provide an attachment page for attachments - include images.
You can go to Dashboard > Media > click on any image to see detail > you can see "View attachment page" - by default, the attachment pages will have URL like: - but it seems you did something config to make attachment URL point to URL name of the images.
I don't know what you did there but I think you can try renaming the 'newsletter' image and re-upload it to solve this problem if you want to create a page has URL like:
1/ I have a problem with some of the photos I uploaded in WP. Sorry if it's not very clear but it's not easy to explain :)
I tried to create a page with the slug "newsletter" but this slug was already taken and I didn't know why. So I tried to search in my browser to see what it was and I was automatically sent to this url (screenshot "photo-newsletter").
So it is the url of one of my images in wp-content named "newsletter" (screenshot "mage-newsletter-in-wp-content").
Is it normal to be sent to this kind of url with wp-content/ and the date ?
It is a problem because I named one image "destinations" and another one "newsletter", but I want to create a page with the slug "newsletter" and I want another one with the slug "destinations" and I can't.
I don't have this problem with all of my images I uploaded in wp, just some of the images like these ones :
- if I search in my browser I am sent to
- if I search ttps:// in my browser I am sent to
- if I search in my browser I am sent to
Can you tell me what happened?
2/ I have a Mailchimp sign-up form in my footer but I also would like to create a page with a Mailchimp sign-up form to have something like that :
I created a page and in my mailchimp account I found a code in "embedded form" section (screenshot "mailchimps-embedded-form"). Where / how do I have to paste this code in my WP page? I don't manage.
Thank you
Best regards
1/ Have you tried deactivate plugins to check it first? If not yet, Please try to deactivate all plugins ( except plugins come from the theme ) and try it again. If it works, let's enable each plugin to check what's plugin caused this issue.
2/ You can use Mailchimp form shortcode to showing it - check this image:
And maybe you need to add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to make the form display centre on your page/post:
Best Regards,
thank you for your answers.
1/ I'm not sure it is a problem with a plugin.
- I desactivated all the plugins and when I desactivated Yoast, something changed : when I searched I arrived on a page with the photo named "newsletter" (screenshot "url-newsletter" ) . It was the photo I uploaded in the Homepage Featured Boxes.
So without Yoast I was not redirected to the strange url with the date BUT there is still a problem because a page with the slug "newsletter" was created but I didn't created it, and the image was on this page and I didn't do that.
- I noticed that I have this problem ONLY with the images I use for the Homepage Featured Boxes. I did a last test : I uploaded a random image in the 3rd image of the Homepage Featured Boxes. The name of this image was "test-photo" (screenshot "test-photo-1"). Then I searched in my browser and I arrived on a page with my photo named "test-photo" (screenshot "test-photo-2"). I tried to upload a photo in a post and I didn't have the problem.
So I think there is a problem with the images of the Homepage Featured Boxes. What do you think?
Yoast is still desactivated in WP, tell me if you want me to activate it again.
2/ Ok it works great, thanks. For the footer sign-up form where can I change the italic text in regular text ? Thanks
3/ Mega Menu Columns : I would like to add 5 categories in the mega menu columns with the 5 continents. I don't want the 5 continents (so the 5 categories) to be clickable, I just want the countries under the continents to be clickable. So the continents would be like a title. Here are some examples (details in the screenshot "mega-menu-columns" ) : - - -
Is it possible?
Thank you
Best regards
1/ It seems that's an issue from Yoast SEO plugin - check more here:
When you enable the option on SEO → Search Appearance → Media (tab) → Redirect attachment URLs to the attachment itself?
Yoast SEO will auto redirect like that by added redirect rules to htaccess. Let's activate Yoast SEO and make sure you don't check to that option - and check it again.
2/ Please try add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:
3/ You can config a category mega menu columns like on "Test Voyages 2" menu item on your site.
And you can add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to showing the title on each column:
For make it can't be click, you can use "Custom Links" menu item with the URL is "#" - check this image
Best Regards,
thank you for your quick answer.
1/ There is still something wrong.
In Yoast > Search Appearance > Media (tab) > Redirect attachment URLs to the attachment itself :
- when I choose YES (and I read it is the best choice for the SEO) and then I search I have the redirection to the strange url : wp-content/uploads/2020/12/newsletter.jpg (screenshot "yes-redirect-url-yoast")
- when I choose NO and then I search there is no strange redirection but there is this url created with the slug "newsletter".
So with the YES or with the No in Yoast I still have a problem. And I don't know if there's a link but it's strange I only have the problem with the images of the Homepage Featured Boxes.
2/ perfect thanks
3/ perfect thanks
Thank you
Best regards
Because WordPress provide an attachment page for attachments - include images.
You can go to Dashboard > Media > click on any image to see detail > you can see "View attachment page" - by default, the attachment pages will have URL like: - but it seems you did something config to make attachment URL point to URL name of the images.
I don't know what you did there but I think you can try renaming the 'newsletter' image and re-upload it to solve this problem if you want to create a page has URL like:
Best Regards,