I was able to fix the problem, but I did have another question. The speed of my site/health is coming up as poor performing now with googles new algorithm. See screen shot. What can I do to speed it up? I believe a lot of it is tied with the theme.
First, please go and update the theme to latest version - version 7.6.1
As I see you're using Soledad version 7.3.5 - so, please remove the code at the end of functions.php file like on this image: http://prntscr.com/uon4qx
Then you can go to Appearance > Themes > click on update Soledad if you see a notice update there
After that, update all the plugins comes with updates via Appearance > Install Plugins.
If you can't do that for yourself, please send me your WordPress site admin URL and admin account ( username and password ) - in a private reply. I will take it a look at this to help you.
I am at the part of removing the code in the theme editor under functions php and I can not find the code. Do you know what line it might be on? I tried to use the command F function to search the page but it didn't work.
Please send me your WordPress site admin URL and admin account ( username and password ) - in a private reply. I will take it a look at this to help you.
Is it possible that snippet of code is not there, because I found where it "should be" according to your screenshot at the very bottom of the Functions PHP file, but the code ends at the Gutenberg coding.
Thank you! Another question. I use w3 total Cache, and on the page speed directions, it says only enable Cache. Currently, I only have page cache and browser cache enabled.
Should I also enable any of these caches? Opcode cache, database cache, or Object cache?
Also, they are mentioning about enabling CDN. Does CDN come from my theme, or is that a hosting thing?
Hi, I am trying to write a new ticket but your website wont let me reverify. It just re-directs me. I was looking for help with the catagory pages. I want to customize them and add metadata -etc so they rank better in google. Where can I go to do this?
I already renewed it, but it would not let me verify it from your websites end. When I press the verify, it just reloads the page.
I am using yoast currently. Also, I just recently implemented google web stories but they go to an archive page. Is there a way it could be on a normal page?
It worked - thank you very much! I have additional questions for you:
1. The categories on the sidebar doesn't reflect the category on the menu bar that I created as you said. How do you fix it?
2. When writing a blog, how can I insert a break line? (Without using Elementor)
3. There is a semi-translucent background color (grey) placed underneath the title on a featured slide on Homepage. Is there any way to remove that background color?
4. When setting up an anchor within a blog post, the first part of the content is hidden under the header (menu bar) when jumping to the destination. How can you show the content from the beginning without being hidden?
5. If you don't set up a feature image, will be no image shown on a list of the blogs on a Category page?
6. Is there any way to add a vertical line between a blog post and the sidebar?
Is this theme able to support images that are 1000x1500? If so, how do I change the settings? When I upload this image size, it gets scaled.
As I see you're using vertical image size, so, I recommend you use images with ratio width/height = 48/65
So, if you use images with 1000px width, it should be 1000x1354px
or better use images with 960x1300
Best Regards,
It is for my pinterest images at the bottom of my post. They are now requesting images to be 1000x1500.
The issue is, when I upload the image, it automatically gets scaled down. Do you know how I can fix this?
Do you mean those images here: http://prntscr.com/w44202 ?
If yes, I see your images display fine here, can you tell me more detail about this?
Best Regards,
Do you use any optimize images plugin? Let's check with your plugins first. Because it's not processed by the theme.
Best Regards,
Yes, if you upload an image A - It will keep the image size when you preview it inside media page
Best Regards,
I was able to fix the problem, but I did have another question. The speed of my site/health is coming up as poor performing now with googles new algorithm. See screen shot. What can I do to speed it up? I believe a lot of it is tied with the theme.
This was the link I tested in https://gtmetrix.com/ - https://findloveandtravel.com/free-things-outer-banks-nc/
First, please go and update the theme to latest version - version 7.6.1
As I see you're using Soledad version 7.3.5 - so, please remove the code at the end of functions.php file like on this image: http://prntscr.com/uon4qx
After that, do following this guide to get auto-updates the theme: https://pencidesign.ticksy.com/article/15633/ - do all 4 steps there.
When you done, check more the guide here to know how to optimize your site speed:
Best Regards,
By updating the theme, will I have any issues? I don't want my site to break.
Also, so I am updating the theme first, and then removing the code on the PHP correct?
How do I update the theme?
1/ The update doesn't make your site broken
So, you can go and update it.
2/ Please remove the code at the end of functions.php file like on this image: http://prntscr.com/uon4qx
After that, do follow this guide to get auto-updates with one-click: https://pencidesign.ticksy.com/article/15633/ - do all 4 steps there.
Best Regards,
Thanks, how do I update the theme? Can you send me a guide? Thanks,
When you did all steps like on this guide: https://pencidesign.ticksy.com/article/15633/
Then you can go to Appearance > Themes > click on update Soledad if you see a notice update there
After that, update all the plugins comes with updates via Appearance > Install Plugins.
If you can't do that for yourself, please send me your WordPress site admin URL and admin account ( username and password ) - in a private reply. I will take it a look at this to help you.
Best Regards,
I am at the part of removing the code in the theme editor under functions php and I can not find the code. Do you know what line it might be on? I tried to use the command F function to search the page but it didn't work.
Please send me your WordPress site admin URL and admin account ( username and password ) - in a private reply. I will take it a look at this to help you.
Best Regards,
Is it possible that snippet of code is not there, because I found where it "should be" according to your screenshot at the very bottom of the Functions PHP file, but the code ends at the Gutenberg coding.
If you don't see that code - you can ignore that step.
Best Regards,
Thank you! Another question. I use w3 total Cache, and on the page speed directions, it says only enable Cache. Currently, I only have page cache and browser cache enabled.
Should I also enable any of these caches? Opcode cache, database cache, or Object cache?
Also, they are mentioning about enabling CDN. Does CDN come from my theme, or is that a hosting thing?
Thanks again for your help!
1/ You can enable: Page Cache, Database Cache, Object Cache, Browser Cache
2/ For CDN, it is an external service - like hosting.
But, with your site now, I think you don't need to use a CDN at this moment.
Best Regards,
I only removed it on my home page but it is on all my blog posts. It never used to come up when I ran the test. Why is the load so large now?
Hi, I am trying to write a new ticket but your website wont let me reverify. It just re-directs me. I was looking for help with the catagory pages. I want to customize them and add metadata -etc so they rank better in google. Where can I go to do this?
I already renewed it, but it would not let me verify it from your websites end. When I press the verify, it just reloads the page.
I am using yoast currently. Also, I just recently implemented google web stories but they go to an archive page. Is there a way it could be on a normal page?
Have you tried use this plugin to do that: https://wordpress.org/plugins/web-stories/ ?
Best Regards,
I do have that plug-in and it puts all the stories on an archive page: https://findloveandtravel.com/web-stories/
Also, I do not like the layout it is automatically put in. Is there a way I can change the post format?
Thank you,
1/ To change the "Archives" to another text, please change it via Customize > Quick Text Translation > "Archive" text to "Stories"
2/ You can change layout for this page via Customize > General > Category, Tags, Search, Archive Pages > Category, Tags, Search, Archive Layout
Best Regards,
It worked - thank you very much! I have additional questions for you:
1. The categories on the sidebar doesn't reflect the category on the menu bar that I created as you said. How do you fix it?
2. When writing a blog, how can I insert a break line? (Without using Elementor)
3. There is a semi-translucent background color (grey) placed underneath the title on a featured slide on Homepage. Is there any way to remove that background color?
4. When setting up an anchor within a blog post, the first part of the content is hidden under the header (menu bar) when jumping to the destination. How can you show the content from the beginning without being hidden?
5. If you don't set up a feature image, will be no image shown on a list of the blogs on a Category page?
6. Is there any way to add a vertical line between a blog post and the sidebar?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,
Hi @satomit,
Please create a new ticket and we will check it to help you.
Please don't put a reply to the tickets of other people because they will get a notification email from your reply.
Best Regards,