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  Public Ticket #2638671
Overriding template


  • shanksTiwari started the conversation

    Good Morning Team,

    On Blog Page, where all posts listed down, I can see this:

    So I want to add a custom link here and change the style of this box, which template I should Override using Soledad Child Theme?

    Issue 2: Whenever I select A sidebar to show the widgets of that sidebar. Everytime it shows same results, check this:

    Null Sidebars:

    This is what it shows:

    Still Same Results:

    But I don't have widgets in these sidebars. Is this a bug?

    Thank you for your time :)

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ You need to override  author.php file from parent theme.

    2/ That's normal. Because if your sidebar doesn't exists any widget - it will showing the "Main Sidebar"

    So, please put widgets to the sidebar you've selected for use.

    Best Regards,
