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  Public Ticket #2646990
About speed optimization


  • grandiaseh started the conversation


    Good day.

    I have some questions about speed optimization. 

    I have enabled some optimization tools, like separate  CSS file and etc,

    but it is hard to get a higher score at Google Page Speed Insights and  GTmetrix .

    Did I do something wrong with the theme layout? I have no idea how to fix the code.

    Thank you very much of helping me.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Happy new yearsmile.png

    First, please feeling your site is slow or not? Because Google Page Speed score doesn't tell your site is slow or not.

    As I checked, currently, you got slow on the page speed insights because:

    1/ Your server response time is too high.

    2/ Your first image takes much time to loads. Google Page Speed Insights prioritizes the display of images in the first view ( when you don't scroll down ) - if the image take much time to load in this first view, it will drop much your score.

    Best Regards,


  • grandiaseh replied


    Thank you for your teaching, I will continue to work hard to improve.

    Have a nice day.