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  Public Ticket #2647174
sticky post don't count the number of homepage posts.


  • tdkevin started the conversation

    Hi all.

    I use soledad theme to develop a blog.

    But I met a problem, my sticky post don't count the number of homepage posts.

    eg : I set the "Amount of Posts Shown Per Page on Homepage" to 4 , but the homepage will show 7 article because the sticky post have 3. the sticky post don't count the number of Amount of Posts Shown Per Page on Homepage.

    how can I solve this ?

    thanks a lot, my choose style is Magazine Style 1.


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Yeah, WordPress has told about this issue from their end - check this image:

    So, if you using Sticky posts, it will auto added at the top of the query and it can't be changed.

    If you using ignore_sticky_posts attr on the query, it will ignore all the sticky posts and display posts as normal - so it's no different with disabling sticky posts.

    Best Regards,


  • tdkevin replied


    its no other way to satisify below situation?
    remain the Sticky posts on top, and the number of homepage posts is correct?

    eg: if setting the number of homepage posts 7 and the Sticky posts number is 3, then it show the Sticky posts on top and normal 4 post follow.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Yeah, there is no way to do that because WordPress doesn't support to do that inside the query from itself..

    Best Regards,
