I am trying to add custom sidebars to each category I have listed on site. I have the custom sidebar 1 set for my first category but I do not know how to edit what is in the custom sidebar 1. Shows as empty.
It seems you've understood wrong about those options.
It's the options to help you can custom the sidebar for category pages.
Please go to Dashboard > Posts > Categories > hover on category "Movie Buzz" > and click on "View" - you will see the layout for category page of that category.
Also, you have some wrong config. You should adjust it.
I am trying to add custom sidebars to each category I have listed on site. I have the custom sidebar 1 set for my first category but I do not know how to edit what is in the custom sidebar 1. Shows as empty.
It seems you've understood wrong about those options.
It's the options to help you can custom the sidebar for category pages.
Please go to Dashboard > Posts > Categories > hover on category "Movie Buzz" > and click on "View" - you will see the layout for category page of that category.
Also, you have some wrong config. You should adjust it.
1/ On the category mega menu - check this image: http://prntscr.com/wnur4n
To remove it, please go to Appearance > Menus > on menu item "Sports" > remove all child menu items of that menu item.
Do the same for menu items: "Film/TV" and "Comics/Gaming"
2/ Your category name is in white colour - so you can't see the category name on the category page - example: http://prntscr.com/wnuse3
Please go to Customize > General > Colors > Accent Colors > and change it to an accent color for your site - not in white color.
Best Regards,