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  Public Ticket #2661711
General Inquiries on template functionalities


  • lucaviscardi started the conversation

    I know.... I am your stalker, but...

    I've done an intensive change on my website and I am finding some difficulties. I have done several tickets, I try to concentrate here all of my questions related to the use of the Time Magazine Demo.

    - I can't set a specific size for the black stripe in the featured header. The fact it changes depending on the title size it's not the best option, otherwise the blocks are not aligned.

    - I can't set a background color on specific widgets, when I use the specific voice on the widget color menu nothing happens.

    - the featured block (of the time magazine demo) doesn't fit to tablets, where the three blocks are not aligned and are placed with a big white empty space

    - is there a way to add a masthead banner "before" the header? I don't find that option in the header blocks, it would be very useful (size 970 x 250) 

    - You can't edit "spaces" in the "subscribe block" and there's a lot of wasted space with a very big interline space.

    - suddenly, when I edit my home page, something weird started to happen, I have attached the screenshot. It seems there's something strange in the sidebar,  but I don't get what's happening.

    And finally... Would you offer paid customization for the template? Thank you!

  • lucaviscardi replied

    Just a quick addendum: how can I set the template to be shown on tablet exactly as it is on desktop? 

    I mean "zooming out" the desktop design with the same layout.

  •  501
    Penci replied


    About set a specific size for the black stripe in the featured header,

    you can custom height of with custom css. Please go to Customizer > Addtional CSS then add custom css to do that

    .penci-block_37 .penci_post_content {
        height: 130px;

    About  background color on specific widgets

    About the featured block,

     please tell me postion you want change and send me screenshot. I will check it help you.

     About banner for header, pennews theme support many header style support banner, please go to Customizer > Header Options then change header style

    Best Regards,


  • lucaviscardi replied

    Super thank you for your replies.

    As per the featured block, here's what happens: screenshot iPad. It would be perfect to fill that void, but if use 4 articles, on the desktop the block opens 2 lines. Take a look to my structure: >Screenshot Structure

    As per the background color: here is the block background I placed on the homepage: screenshot homepage

    I'd like to place the same background on the widgets in the article: screenshot article

    Banner in the header: you have a lot of options, but there's no option to place a banner before everything, before top bar, before logo, before everything, it would be great because it's highly appreciated from the market.

    One last thing, I promise: there's something strange when I edit the page, please take a look at Screenshot Edit. 

    It's like something is using some space, but I don't understand what's causing that.

    super thank you: once again, if you have customization paid service, I'd like to use it.


  • lucaviscardi replied

    Here is the missing attachment, screenshot edit.

    Is there a way to shorten "subscription block" in the homepage? (Screenshot register)

  •  501
    Penci replied


    It seems that the the frontend editor work fine.

    I recommend you use backend editor.

    About block 37, on ipad, please tell me about the layout you want show, i want custom help you.

    If  you want custom background widget on home page same single post, please edit edit block shortcode and edit background

    Best Regards,


  • lucaviscardi replied

    "About block 37, on ipad, please tell me about the layout you want show, i want custom help you."

    Would it be possibile to display a 300 x 250 adv banner? If not, a 4th content would be fine!

    "If  you want custom background widget on home page same single post, please edit edit block shortcode and edit background"

    Sorry but I didn't understand. In the homepage I changed the background color and it's fine. 

    In the widgets I have used the "widget color option", changing the background color, but nothing happened.

  •  501
    Penci replied


    Please send me your website managment information ( admin url site, username and password ) in order for me to have access to know the exact issue. We will take it a look on this help you.

    Best Regards,


  •   lucaviscardi replied privately
  •  501
    Penci replied


    Sorry for the late reply

    I can't login on your site.

    Please check it again

    Best Regards,


  •   lucaviscardi replied privately
  •  501
    Penci replied


    About  block 37 on mobile and table, i will custom css to do that

    @media only screen and (max-width: 960px){
    .penci-block-col-3 .penci-post-item:nth-child(3n + 1) {
        clear: none;

    About use widget on home page, please use widgetiesd  sidebar as screenshot

    Best Regards,


  • lucaviscardi replied

    thank You!