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  Public Ticket #2664829
Hide post date on home page


  • almondsurf started the conversation

    How can I hide the post date on the home page? 

    I can hide them on the single posts here:

    Customize > Single Posts > General > Hide Post Date

    But the date still shows up on the home page posts.

    I have added the following CSS, but I don't think it is efficient:

    .otherl-date {
    display: none;

    Can you help me know the best way to hide the post dates on the homepage or is the above CSS the best?

    Thank you.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please check option for it via Customize > Posts Layouts > Other Layouts > Hide Posts Date.

    Best Regards,


  • almondsurf replied

    That worked, thank you.