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  Public Ticket #2664834
Invalid RSS Feed


  • cookerru started the conversation

    Hi there, in trying to set up an email campaign for my website, I have received an error statingĀ is not a valid RSS feed. I have gone ahead to run a validator on the url, and received a similar error that "This feed does not validate." I have updated the theme just now so that doesn't seem to be the fix. Screenshots have attached for your reference. I would truly appreciate the support.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    As I checked from my-end, the RSS feed from our theme works fine:

    I think you have a plugin that caused this issue. I think that's from Jetpack plugin you're using.

    I hear too many posts ( on ) about this issue from Jetpack. Example:

    So, please try to deactivate all plugins ( except plugins come from the theme ) and try it again. If it works, let's enable each plugin to check what's plugin caused this issue.

    Note: After deactivating the plugins, if you don't see the RSS feed update, maybe you need to wait for 12 hours and try it again because the RSS feed from WordPress can be caching to 12 hours. ( It's caching from WordPress itself )

    Best Regards,
