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  Public Ticket #2665152
Portfolio broken


  • Simon started the conversation


    my Portfolio seems to be broken. The portfolio page appears to be an archive and display a weird mix of portofolio pictures and other posts.

    The shortcode I used on the page is:

    [portfolio style="masonry" cat="" number="15" pagination="load_more" numbermore="6" image_type="landscape" filter="false" column="3" all_text="Alle" lightbox="true" /]
  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please change the slug for your portfolio page from /portfolio/ to another - check this image:

    Because you can't use the 'portfolio' slug for your portfolio page - it will conflict with the portfolio archive URL auto renders by WordPress.

    Best Regards,


  • Simon replied

    Ah ok, I dind't knew that, thank you!