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  Public Ticket #2667534
About mega menu default style


  • grandiaseh started the conversation

    Have a nice day.

    I hava a question.

    Recently, the mega menu was enabled, and it was found to be different from the preset. Please see the attachment. It is not shown on the upper left, but on the lower right. At the same time, all button is gone (no disable).

    Thanks for help.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Your config is wrong.

    Please do follow steps below to fix it:

    1/ Go to Appearance > Menus > on menu item "君食堂" > remove all child menu items of this menu item - that means remove the menu items: "家常便飯" and "君無戲言"

    2/ Go to Posts > Categories > edit category "家常便飯" > and select Parent category of this category is "君食堂"

    Do the same for category "君無戲言"

    Best Regards,


  • grandiaseh replied


    Thank you. Problem sovle