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  Public Ticket #2671192
Featured slider customisation


  • glink77 started the conversation


    I want to disable featured slider and enable featured video instead.

    I follow your intructions, go to Customise>featured slider> untick enable slider>publish but the change are not being reflected. WHy? Is there any other place where I can customise Featured Slider and Enable Featured Youtube video instead? 


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Because you're using Elementor to config your homepage, so you need to edit your homepage by use Elementor to modify your homepage.

    Please go to Pages > All Pages > Edit your "Homepage" by use Elementor > right-click on the slider > and select "Delete" to remove the slider.

    And to video background to your homepage by use Elementor - you can check this video tutorial ( watch from 1:00' of the video )

    Best Regards,
