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  Public Ticket #2675725
Some issues in the theme after the last update or after I made the speed optimisation following instructions in theme documentation


  • ivanbmf started the conversation

    Hi, I'm setting up my blog with the Soledad theme and everything was ok until I upgraded to the last version two days ago. On the same day, some hours after theme upgrade, I applied the recommended settings for speed optimisation and only today I went back to the site and found some issues: 

    • Social media icons no longer appear in the sidebar (widget) and also in the menu bar. 
    • The top bar no longer appears, although it is enabled. 

    I'm loving the theme and working hard to make it the way I need it, but now I was afraid to change anything. As this is a new installation it is not yet in "production" and therefore I have no plugins installed beyond what is necessary.

    Did I do something wrong? How do I resolve these issues? Can you help me?

    My Setttings: WP 5.6 / PHP 7.4 and All plugins are up to date.

    If you need any access to my WP installation, please let me know and I will provide access.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Strange, I didn't see this issue from my-end.

    So, Please send me your WordPress site admin URL and admin account ( username and password  ) - in a private reply. I will take it a look at this to help you.  

    Best Regards,


  • ivanbmf replied

    Hi again... 
    I reverted the speed optimization settings and found the cause for the icons issue: In Optimize CSS i unchecked the box (Move font Icons Stylesheets to Footer...) and now everything is Ok. 

    I hope it will be ok now, but I will be more aware of future changes in the settings!

    About the top bar, I reviewed the configuration and now it's ok too

    PS: I kept the other settings about Speed Optimization, as recommended in theme doc

    For new problems, I will create a new ticket. Can you close this please?

    Thank you

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Can you please try re-update the plugin "Penci Shortcodes & Performance" ?

    Because I just tried that option from my-end and I didn't see this issue.

    To re-update this plugin, please go to Plugins > All Plugins > deactivate & delete plugin "Penci Shortcodes & Performance". After that, go to Appearance > Install Plugins > and re-install & activate the plugin "Penci Shortcodes & Performance"

    When you have done, try it again and try with the option again to see it works or not.

    Best Regards,


  • ivanbmf replied

    Ok, i will make it right now!

  • ivanbmf replied

    Now its Ok!  
    I noticed that the plugin that was installed was version 2.7 and this new 2.8. I reinstalled the plugin, enabled the speed optimization configuration box in CSS optimization and tested again in Chrome, Edge and Safari. No more issues!!

  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  • ivanbmf replied

    Thank you for your help!

    Have a great day too!! 

  • siljara replied

    Hi! I had the same problem and make all you say and it worked! Only thing dind´t seem be ok was the top bar but a remove it. I just wanted to leave my observation.