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  Public Ticket #2683134
Advanced text area on Ninja Forms Issue


  • thibltlefebvre started the conversation


    I have a problem with my Ninja Forms plugin which I tried to figure out with Ninja Forms but they told me to tried reaching you out.

    I have built a form :

    And as you can see the advanced text area, I can't chose the titles, tables or center text because of an error...

    I have tried a troubleshootting disactivated all plugins and theme, and with a classic theme as twenty one, the form works, but as soon as I come back on Soledad Theme, the issue comes back. 

    Do you have an idea of what could cause the issue ? 

    Thanks for helping

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Are you using the plugin Ninja Forms for create front-end submit posts?

    If yes, you can use this plugin: - It's better much than Ninja Formssmile.png

    Best Regards,
