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  Public Ticket #2685269
Instagram Feed not working


  •  1
    firasboubes started the conversation

    Instagram Feed stop working today, Can you please check and help?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I can see it still working fine from my-end:

     Because we're using API data from Instagram self, and sometimes this API data goes down and it can make our Instagram widget can't get the data.. If you got this issue appears again, please try to:

    1/ G to Appearance > Widgets > remove old "Soledad Instagram Feed" > drag & drop "Soledad Instagram Feed" widget back to your sidebar > click on the URL to get Instagram Token & ID and fill it to the fields & do other configs > Save and check it again.

    Also, please make sure you don't put anything like   "@" or "#" before your Instagram username.

    2/ If point 1/ doesn't work, you need to wait for Instagram API works again to get the Instagram back to work..

    Best Regards,


  • shanekeller replied


    The Instagram feed does not work if people have Ad Blockers in their browsers.

    AdBlockPlus is one example of a blocker preventing the Soledad social features from working - notably Instagram. 

    Is there a way to fix that?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @shanekeller,

    First, the Adblockers/AdBlockPlus is add-ons from the browsers, it can detect & override all the display on any website. No theme can override it. So, the best solution here is to use a plugin to require users to disable AdBlock to view your site. ( many plugins can help you do that )

    Second, if you have any question, let's create a new ticket - don't put reply to tickets of other people because they will get a notification email from your reply.

    Best Regards,
