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  Public Ticket #2687046
Image quality of the Featured Slider


  • marcustw started the conversation

    Hello there,

    i have resize my width of the page until 90% off the screen size. Until that, the image quality of the featured slider is pretty bad. It seems to be that the size of the use images are to small. But the original Preview picture is big enough. How can I fix that?

    Great Thanks

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Yeah, because the designs we did for container 1170px width. While you're using the container width = 90% width of the screen. So, on the big screens, the images can't be fit the display.

    To solve this issue, there is 2 ways to help you do that:

    1/ Config your page by using Elementor - and from Elementor, you can use element "Penci Featured Slider" to get your slider display, we also provide an option to help you can select image size for your slider there.

    You can check this video tutorial to know how to config homepage/page by using Elementor.

    When use Elementor to config the homepage, if you want to set the container = 90% the screen, you can select the section is "Full Width" - check this image. After that, add padding 5% for left & right side of this section - check this image:

    2/ If you don't want to use Elementor, you need to edit the files inside the theme to increase the image size for slider. Please do follow this image.

    Best Regards,


  • marcustw replied


    great help. I take the second option and it works prefect. Thanks for the help again..