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  Public Ticket #2688776
Quick question about hiding featured image in video single post


  • creationbeaudoin started the conversation

    Hi guys. My featured image in video single post does not appear in post. 

    All others single post work. 

    In customizer, single post, I see this option: 

    ( Hide Featured Image on TopHide Featured images auto appears on single posts page - This option not apply for Video format, Gallery format )

    How can I modify the theme to be able to get the featured image displaying in my video post?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    The video format will auto display the video or embed code you put here: ( make sure plugin "Vafpress Post Formats UI" is activated )

    And the theme doesn't support to display featured image on video post - the video post should display a video 

    Best Regards,


  • creationbeaudoin replied

    Ok. Thanks for the precision. So when adding video to vafpress block like your screenshot, it's only to display a preview video with no sound at all? We cannot put like 10, or 20 seconds of the video in loop mode? So If I understand I have to insert the embed video link in the content too? I have more than 1700 videos on my website, I will also need to manually insert all youtube embed link in vafpress... arrgghh

    And on mobile when I put video link in the vafpress block, it just doesnt work. A message display saying youtube refuse this connection. 

    We should have the choice to decide how our video post should be displayed. With this setup, I don't have additional choice with the template, like on customizer single post, where I can choose how I display the single post page. My user will not appreciate the experience of video post. 

    I think I will make a new template with toolset for video post because this configuration.. doesn't fits my need. 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Yeah, because Youtube has changed the rules on Youtube API before - you can't use autoplay + sound inside an embed video anymore.

    Also, we've adjusted the rules to showing the featured image on video posts to help you. That means: Now if you're using video post format & doesn't fill the data of video post format - it will show the featured imagesmile.pngIt works for all single post templates.

    Best Regards,

  • creationbeaudoin replied

    Allright! That's it! Thank you! :)

  • creationbeaudoin replied

    Hi guys.. finally there a little issue with the featured image on mobile. On desktop it's working fine. 

    I found out that when I activate the option Disable Parallax on Featured Image on Mobile in customizer, in single post general, the featured image show up for 1 or 2 seconds, then disapear. When I uncheck this option it's working fine.. but I don't want to use parallax on mobile.. that's the problem. 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please try to add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to fix it:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 768px){
    .single .penci-jarallax > div{ position: relative !important; }

    And check to "Disable Parallax on Featured Image on Mobile" alsosmile.png

    A tip for you: I see your site didn't regenerate thumbnails for this theme, you should install plugin Regenerate Thumbnails then go to Dashboard > Tools > Regenerate Thumbnails > and click on button there to regenerate thumbnails for this theme. It makes your site loads faster more than now smile.png

    Best Regards,


  • creationbeaudoin replied

    Cool thanks it's working! And thanks for the tips, I will try it!