The video format will auto display the video or embed code you put here: ( make sure plugin "Vafpress Post Formats UI" is activated )
And the theme doesn't support to display featured image on video post - the video post should display a video
Ok. Thanks for the precision. So when adding video to vafpress block like your screenshot, it's only to display a preview video with no sound at all? We cannot put like 10, or 20 seconds of the video in loop mode? So If I understand I have to insert the embed video link in the content too? I have more than 1700 videos on my website, I will also need to manually insert all youtube embed link in vafpress... arrgghh
And on mobile when I put video link in the vafpress block, it just doesnt work. A message display saying youtube refuse this connection.
We should have the choice to decide how our video post should be displayed. With this setup, I don't have additional choice with the template, like on customizer single post, where I can choose how I display the single post page. My user will not appreciate the experience of video post.
I think I will make a new template with toolset for video post because this configuration.. doesn't fits my need.
Yeah, because Youtube has changed the rules on Youtube API before - you can't use autoplay + sound inside an embed video anymore.
Also, we've adjusted the rules to showing the featured image on video posts to help you. That means: Now if you're using video post format & doesn't fill the data of video post format - it will show the featured imageIt works for all single post templates.
Hi guys.. finally there a little issue with the featured image on mobile. On desktop it's working fine.
I found out that when I activate the option Disable Parallax on Featured Image on Mobile in customizer, in single post general, the featured image show up for 1 or 2 seconds, then disapear. When I uncheck this option it's working fine.. but I don't want to use parallax on mobile.. that's the problem.
Please try to add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to fix it:
@media only screen and (max-width: 768px){
.single .penci-jarallax > div{ position: relative !important; }
And check to "Disable Parallax on Featured Image on Mobile" also
A tip for you: I see your site didn't regenerate thumbnails for this theme, you should install plugin Regenerate Thumbnails then go to Dashboard > Tools > Regenerate Thumbnails > and click on button there to regenerate thumbnails for this theme. It makes your site loads faster more than now
Hi guys. My featured image in video single post does not appear in post.
All others single post work.
In customizer, single post, I see this option:
( Hide Featured Image on TopHide Featured images auto appears on single posts page - This option not apply for Video format, Gallery format )
How can I modify the theme to be able to get the featured image displaying in my video post?
The video format will auto display the video or embed code you put here: ( make sure plugin "Vafpress Post Formats UI" is activated )
And the theme doesn't support to display featured image on video post - the video post should display a video
Best Regards,
Ok. Thanks for the precision. So when adding video to vafpress block like your screenshot, it's only to display a preview video with no sound at all? We cannot put like 10, or 20 seconds of the video in loop mode? So If I understand I have to insert the embed video link in the content too? I have more than 1700 videos on my website, I will also need to manually insert all youtube embed link in vafpress... arrgghh
And on mobile when I put video link in the vafpress block, it just doesnt work. A message display saying youtube refuse this connection.
We should have the choice to decide how our video post should be displayed. With this setup, I don't have additional choice with the template, like on customizer single post, where I can choose how I display the single post page. My user will not appreciate the experience of video post.
I think I will make a new template with toolset for video post because this configuration.. doesn't fits my need.
Yeah, because Youtube has changed the rules on Youtube API before - you can't use autoplay + sound inside an embed video anymore.
Also, we've adjusted the rules to showing the featured image on video posts to help you. That means: Now if you're using video post format & doesn't fill the data of video post format - it will show the featured image
It works for all single post templates.
Best Regards,
Allright! That's it! Thank you! :)
Hi guys.. finally there a little issue with the featured image on mobile. On desktop it's working fine.
I found out that when I activate the option Disable Parallax on Featured Image on Mobile in customizer, in single post general, the featured image show up for 1 or 2 seconds, then disapear. When I uncheck this option it's working fine.. but I don't want to use parallax on mobile.. that's the problem.
Please try to add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to fix it:
And check to "Disable Parallax on Featured Image on Mobile" also
A tip for you: I see your site didn't regenerate thumbnails for this theme, you should install plugin Regenerate Thumbnails then go to Dashboard > Tools > Regenerate Thumbnails > and click on button there to regenerate thumbnails for this theme. It makes your site loads faster more than now
Best Regards,
Cool thanks it's working! And thanks for the tips, I will try it!