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  Public Ticket #2690561
Add noopener or noreferrer to external (social) links


  •  1
    Ronald started the conversation

    I'm working on improving my, and one of the issues I need to solve is to add rel="noreferrer" or rel="noopener" to external links. 

    The social icons from Soledad are marked as "Links to cross-origin destinations are unsafe" in the audit.

    Is there an easy method to add these tags to the Soledad social icons in the header?

    Thank you.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You can select what's the rel you want to the external social links via Customize > General > Extra Options > Select "rel" Attribute Type for Social Media & Social Share Icons

    Note: Make sure you're using latest version of the theme, if not let update it.

    Best Regards,
