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  Public Ticket #2691558
Feature slider is not work


  • peppersinbag started the conversation

    Hello,I'm James

    It has been half year I didn't update my site, I'm going to write some article today, but I don't know what's going wrong, suddenly my feature slider is not work, even I'm sure I selected "enable feature slider" but still not work, could you tell me how can I fix it? 



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I can see it works fine - check this image:

    So, I think you've solved the issuesmile.png

    But, I think you should update the theme to the latest version 7.7.1

    Because you're using Soledad theme version 7.2.0, so please remove the code at the end of functions.php file like on this image:

    After that, do following this guide to get auto-updates the theme:

    And you can get auto-updates with one-click in the next times - like other free WP Themes on wordpress.orgsmile.png

    Best Regards,


  • peppersinbag replied


    Thanks for replying!

    Yes, I restored my site, so it works fine again:)

    And as you said , it maybe because I didn't update lastest version for a while,

    I followed your guideline, but I made a mistake,when I tried to generate an Envato API Personal Token,

    I enter "My WordPress site" ,but I turn off the page accidently, and then it said"A token with this name already exists, please pick another name or delete the other token first", how can I do next ??



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You can do again STEPs 3 & 4 on the guide I sent:

    If you still can't do that for yourself, please send me your WordPress site admin URL and admin account ( username and password  ) - in a PRIVATE REPLY. I will take it a look at this to help you.  

    Best Regards,


  • peppersinbag replied


    Yes, I think I've done! thanks for your helping :)



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Now, please do step 4 on the guide to update the plugins after updated the theme via Appearance > Install Plugins.


    Best Regards,


  • peppersinbag replied

    I did!

    so does it mean when there is latest version come up, they will reminder me to update it, or they will update it automatically?



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    If there is a new version of the theme - when you go to Appearance > Themes > you can see the "notice about update" on the thumbnail of Soledad theme - you just click it and wait until it done.

    After updating the theme, you can go to Appearance > Install Plugins > and check if have any plugin need to update and update it.

    All steps just take one minute.

    Best Regards,
