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  Public Ticket #2692623
google fonts


  • TildaundCuno started the conversation

    I would like to use google fonts directly from my server – how do I deactivate/delete them in my Soledad theme? Is it correct to load just the fonts I need over Customized Fonts? Thanks!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You can disable it via Customize > General > GDPR Policy > "Remove all default google fonts - load default fonts from located hosting" and "Remove all default fonts loads by the theme from located hosting"

    The 2 options above will remove all the fonts loads by the theme. And you can upload your custom fonts via Dashboard > Soledad > Custom Fonts.

    Best Regards,


  • TildaundCuno replied

    Thank you very much – I did this but the font Roboto is still loading ... could you please help me here?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    This font doesn't load from the theme, you should check with the settings from Elementor global settings or from a plugin you're using.

    Best Regards,
