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  Public Ticket #2696271
Facebook Page Box


  • showthinker started the conversation

    Hi there,


    Here is a question I need you guide.

    I added “.Soledad Facebook Page Box “at the main sidebar of my webpage.(see Pic.1)

    Facebook Page wouldn’t display in the webpage when I logout WordPress. (see Pic.2)

    Please guide me how to make the Facebook Page display?


    My Facebook Page URL:


    Thank you,

    Sonia from Taiwan

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please try to disable the minify HTML from the Customize > Speed Optimization, currently, it's in conflict with the Facebook Page Box widget.. We're trying to find a way to solve it. When it's fixed, we will let you know in the update changelog here

    Best Regards,


  • showthinker replied


    The question was solved. Thank you so much!
