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  Public Ticket #2697536
Logo and background are both white (mobile version)


  • mmberube started the conversation


    I have issue with my website on mobile view.

    When we open the page, both logo and background are white, so we can't see it. I have tried many things but I can't find a way to correct that.

    How can I put the logo in color or the background transparent ? 

    When we go down in the website we can see the logo because its switching to "sticky" logo style.

    I have no problems with the desktop version.

    Thank you in advance,


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Are you using the latest version of Soledad - version 7.7.1 ? If not, let's update it to the latest version by do follow this guide.

    When you have done, clear all the cache and check it again.

    Best Regards,


  • mmberube replied

    Hi !

    Thank you very much, it was only that ! I forgot to verify this first ! Sorry to disturbing you for that :)

    I really like this theme and all the PenciDesign features, continue your good work !

    Have a nice day !


  •   PenciDesign replied privately